01646 563117 info@adeptwills.co.uk 07795 192208
01646 563117info@adeptwills.co.uk07795 192208

Why make a Will?

Failure to make a Will means you have no say over what happens to your assets when you die, this can cause difficulties for those you care about most.

Everyone should have a Will; this is particularly true if you own property, are married, have entered a civil partnership or have a long-term partner. It also applies if you have children or other dependants, or if you wish to leave something to someone who is not a close family member.

Our customers have told us, they felt a huge sense of relief once they had made a Will. They realised that, in doing so, they have legally recorded how they wanted their assets divided after their death, thus providing their family with the security they deserve.

It is a common belief that, if you are married or in a civil partnership, your spouse or civil partner will automatically inherit everything you own when you die. In fact, the law sets out rules that determine how your assets are to be divided if you should die without leaving a Will.

Look after what you have worked hard for!

The rules are not likely suit your requirements. For example, if your spouse or civil partner and children survive you, your assets will be divided among them in fixed proportions that may not suit your family.

The rules make no provision for a partner if you are not married or in a civil partnership, even if you have lived together for many years. So, it's a good idea to seek professional advice.

Your Will is important, and professional advice will ensure that your Will complies with all the legal requirements. A professional service also ensures that your instructions are clear and will be followed after your death, and that you have taken advantage of any tax reliefs available to you.

Why Use Us?

Our Consultants will visit you in the comfort of your own home and you won't be charged by the hour. In addition to this, all Wills are drafted by professionals who are regulated by the Society of Will Writers

Protect your Home and Wealth today!

We only deal with Wills and Estate Planning services this means we are totally focused on your needs.

All members of the society are covered by £2 million of indemnity insurance cover, for your peace of mind.

We are a rapidly expanding company, regularly advertising, which has helped to cement our vision as a company serious about our customers' welfare. We also offer many other services that help protect children, parents and properties against state interference.

Our trained Consultants can assess your current circumstances and recommend the products that will provide the correct protection for you, your family and your assets. Don't delay contact us now!

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If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact us:


077951 92208  01646 563117




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